

14 Uppsatser om V cutter - Sida 1 av 1

Konstruktion av serviceutrustning till tunnelborrningsmaskin

The Master Thesis work this report is based upon has been conducted in cooperation with Svea Teknik AB. Svea Teknik is a consultant firm which is developing parts of a tunnel boring machine on behalf of Atlas Copco. The machine is being developed to mechanically excavate hard rock by fixating itself in the tunnel and then press a large rotating cutter-wheel equipped with disc-cutters against the tunnel wall. The disc-cutters are the tools that are in direct contact with the hard rock and are therefore exposed to extensive wear and needs to be replaced on a regular basis.The purpose of this Master Thesis has been to develop a service equipment that will enable time effective and safe changes of disc-cutters. The disc-cutters have a diameter of 17 inches and weigh about 130 kg.

Tillverkning av skruvgängor i trä med snedtyg

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bygghantverk, 27 hp, 2012.

Lie eller röjsåg? - förslag till en jämförande studie

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Landskapsvårdens hantverk15 hp, 2011.

FE safety analysis of a high speed wood planer cutter. An alternative method to achieve the requirements of EN847 standard

In the last decades, high speed cutting has become an attractive technology in the wood industry. The possibility of reducing global costs in addiction with an increase in productivity, were the main reasons for the enlargement of the use of this technology. As usual, these advantages are accompanied by disadvantages that should be carefully analyzed. If on the one hand cutting forces are reduced with increasing cutting speeds, on the other hand, the centrifugal forces affecting the tool are higher. Exposed to such high loads, there is a considerable risk of tool failure that embeds hazards for both machine and workers.

Fröskörd av hampa : metoder och tekniker för fröskörd av industrihampa

Hemp is an ancient cultivated plant that came to Sweden in the 1st to 2nd Century and was particularly interesting for use for food, clothing and building materials. Over time, other applications have been developed for hemp, e.g. in energy and health products. Interesting new uses for hemp continue to be identified and this fascinating plant has incredibly versatile applications.In this project, seed production of industrial hemp in Sweden was studied and evaluated. Five different methods are described, four of which are proven under Swedish conditions.

Utformning av kylkanaler och spånrum på superturbofräsar

This thesis describes how the chip space and coolant channels are designed in today?s mills, the ideas behind the design and what is considered to be the best method of cooling. It contains ideas on how the chip space can be simplified. It contains several concepts on how the cooling could be designed for better efficiency and manufacturability. There are also suggestions on how the cooling could be stopped when the cutter isn?t cutting.

Filmkatalogisering: en behovs- och regelanalys

The aim of this thesis is to examine the characteristics of film cataloguing, and to compare general as in library use and specific as in archival use cataloguing rules. Most rules, both in archives and libraries, use the book as a point of reference. This is somewhat unfortunate on account of the great difference between books and films. The method used is studies of literature and qualitative interviews with three persons whose professional duties include cataloguing of films. The sets of rules which are studied are Katalogiseringsregler för svenska bibliotek KRS and The FIAF Cataloguing Rules for Film Archives.

Direktmarknadsföringens alternativ : En fallstudie för Logosol AB

Logosol is a company that produce small-scale wood processing products. To be able to expand the business Logosol have decided to increase exports, their target markets are the US, Russia, Germany and Norway. The expansion has mainly been through subsidiaries situated on the abroad markets. The subsidiaries have done poor results and that has influenced the whole company. CEO Bengt-Olov Byström made a decision to sell out the units to the people who worked in the business.


In the current situation is the straight tube cutter, that provides Luvata?s line of large recoolers with copper tubes, manually operated. To prevent damages and facilitate mounting the tubes must be properly arranged when they leave the machine. This report aims to investigate and present an automated solution where the operator does not need to participate in the process. A number of theories have been drawn up and tests have been done.

Katalogisering och presentation av film på bibliotek

The aim of this thesis is to discuss selected parts of cataloguing both from a practical and a theoretical viewpoint. It presents the basic grounds for cataloguing of printed as well as non-printed materials. The focus lies on the main entry heading and its author/title problem concerning film. The thesis theoretical part consists of an analysis of central documents dealing with the author concept from both a library- and information science perspective and a film science perspective. The practical part consists of interviews from two Swedish public libraries, which have different approaches on presenting films.

Förbränning av pellets framställda av defibrerad granråvara :

Fuel pellets are in Sweden mainly produced from sawdust and cutter shavings. Before the pelletising process the raw material is dried to attain consistent moisture content and ground up in a hammer mill. In the densification process (pelletising) the ground material is forced through holes in a rotating die. This heats up the wood particles which cause them to soften and self bond. After the process the pellets are cooled, sieved and bagged. The milling process creates a wide range of particle sizes.

Majsensilage - partikelstorleksfördelning och hygienisk kvalité :

Fieldstudys on 22 farms (23 silos) to study relationships between the actual particle size of the maize silage and the theoretical length of cut. The measure of theoretical length of cut were stated by the farmers and not measured by us. Particle size of maize silage was determined using the New Penn State Forage Particle Separator. SLU Skara made a special sieve for us, that had larger holes than de original sieves. The samples were shaken after instructions and then the material was weighted. We have also been taking out samples for microbiological analyses from the silos on 13 of the farms.

Förstyvning av batteridriven trimmer

Syfte ? Syftet med examensarbetet är att minimera eller helt eliminera den utböjning som uppstår i Husqvarnas trimmer 536 LiR från handtag ner till motor och trimmerhuvud då en 5 kilos vikt hängs i handtaget.Metod ? En konceptstudie har utförts på Husqvarnas trimmer 536 LiR för att undersöka och utvärdera hur problemet med trimmern ser ut i dagsläget och därifrån ta fram olika koncept för att minimera utböjningen. Arbetet har följt en Stage-Gate produktutvecklingsprocess med sju steg från att skriva kravspecifikation till att ta fram och testa prototyper. Koncept genererades med metoderna brainstorming och Reverse Engineering och sållades sedan med Pughs beslutsmatris. Finita elementmetoden användes för att utvärdera produkten och för att analysera vissa koncept.

Strötorvsanvändning i djurstallar : en litteraturgenomgång

Peat litter has been used in animal houses for a long time. Because of its good ability to absorb liquid and nutrients from the manure it can create a dry surface for animals and a valuable manure product. Through changes in agricultural practises the use of peat litter has diminished and is to a great extent replaced by straw, sawdust and cutter shavings although Sweden is rich in peat-findings. The aim of this work was to summarize the presented knowledge about the used of peat litter, techniques, advantages and disadvantages and to compare with other commonly used litter materials. Articles on peat litter have been searched for in magazines, databases and books at SLU library. Visits to peat industries, interviews with peat producers and with peat researchers contributed to the material. Peat is not a uniformly material.